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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Terry and the Immunity Idol

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usWhy? What was Terry thinking?

Why didn't he give the Immunity Idol to Austin and then Aras would be gone?

This seems to be what a lot of people are asking since last episode. I think Terry kept the Immunity Idol because he felt that it would help him go the farthest in the game.

If Austin had used the Immunity Idol and Aras was voted off then who do you think would be the target this week? Yes that's right, Terry. As it is now Sally is in trouble.

Terry is at the point in the game where you just try and get through as many Tribal Councils as you can while hoping for the best. Also he has shown to be very good at the challenges so the Idol just may buy him enough time to make the Final Four where anything can happen.


At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said before in a previous post, I think Terry should have given the idol to Nick. I don't see how he thinks he is going to get further by just having the idol while his former teammates and current alliance of La Mina is slowly succumbing to crazy Casaya.

This may be an indivual game as far as immunity, but everyone still needs a strong alliance support system. Terry has still not made any strong enough connects to the crazy Casaya members, besides Bruce, but yet he still has not flipped yet. Austin had just started to make a bond with Danielle and surely saving his ass this time would have allowed him to work more on building more trust into that relationship.

~Lauren V, Survior Fan of George Mason University

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it was a toss up between Nick and Austin leaving on episode 7? I think Terry should have lost the challenge so that his teammate would have won the immunity. You know all votes would have gone to Terry and with the immunity idol in hand Shane would have been gone. I think Shane runs the show on his tribe and the odds of getting help from another Caysas member with the numbers at 5 to 4 would have given Terrys old tribe a good chance.

At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My personal is that the lot of them should be of the show and have overseas people on and call it world survivor


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