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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Episode 13: As It Airs

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usAs It Airs
May 4, 8:00 pm ET, GMT -4 hours
Survivor Panama, Episode 13
title: Bamboozled

This post will be updated as Survivor airs tonight.
Some people just can't wait to know what happens on Survivor. If you're one of those people then this post is for you. Note: you may need to hit the refresh/reload button on your browser to see the updates.

First Interview: Shane
Shane shocked at last week's Tribal Council. Cirie and Aras have a 'story' to placate him - 'no time to let him know.' Shane seems to be believing it. Shane is happy that Courtney is gone. Terry feels Danielle lied to him so he's after her now.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usReward Challenge
Reward: Family visit.
Type of Challenge: Replay of Parts of Past Challenges.
Terry won Reward. Danielle Exiled (without even a hug from her mother). Shane and Terry get over-night visits with loved ones at a luxury island. Cirie's Husband visits camp for a night. Aras hugs his mother and she leaves.
Shane out first. Cirie out. Danielle out. It was down to Aras and Terry and Aras dropped something and had to start over which allowed Terry to win.

Exile Island: Danielle disappointed as she chops a coconut.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usCamp: Cirie gets a kick out of showing her husband (HB?) around camp. He admits that she smells bad. They never were even camping before. They're putting HB to work so they can save their energy. [Apparently 'HB' is short for Hunny Bunny.]

Luxury Escape: Terry, Shane and family raid the fridge. Terry's wife says he's lost weight. Shane tells Boston (his son) about the game so far. Sounds like they're going to target Danielle. Boston says that Shane is like a kid [no duh!].

(Terry and Shane return to Camp) Terry has to explain his choices after winning Reward. Aras upset at Terry's callousness regarding the choices he made. Terry feels Aras came unglued a bit.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImmunity Challenge
Type of Challenge: Balance on a Perch in the Water, pour water to raise a flag.
Terry won Immunity (fifth straight time!).
Shane way behind. Aras a close second again.

Scheming Is Free
Shane talks like Danielle is the next one voted off, says he has Cirie's vote. In private Terry says that he'd like to be in the final two with Shane. Aras in confessional says that he has set up Shane. Shane feels like he could beat anybody [is he Bamboozled?].

Tribal Council
First Questioned: Terry.
Shane was voted off, as he leaves he says "I'm going to have a chocolate ice cream bar in about one minute, one minute!'
Terry has a look of disbelief on his face, he seems more upset than Shane.

Jeff Probst's Final Thought
The last two Tribal Councils the person voted off has been absolutely shocked. If trust wasn't an issue before tonight then it should be from here on out.

Shane's Final Words
Ahh . . I got duped, blind-sided . . . this will be the toughest thing I do in my life . . . He tells Boston that he's proud of how he played but disapponted about how it turned out.

That's a wrap, good-night everybody!

Next Update:
Friday or Saturday, my post episode analysis.


At 9:06 PM, Blogger Mike Clemmons said...

And Terry still votes for Aras... go figure.

At 12:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can Terry use the idol in the final four?

At 12:44 AM, Blogger RC said...

i couldn't really understand why terry voted for aras...unless he wanted shane to be voted off and his vote to count for nothing???

but is terry that smart? i don't really think so.

--RC of

At 1:03 AM, Blogger Mike Clemmons said...

yes, terry has one last chance to use the individual immunity idol. He is guranteed to be in the final three. And if he wins individual immunity, he can guarantee someone else as well. Could be very useful tool. And according to the previews, Danielle is wanting to create an alliance with him.

At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

will terry have to win ammunity agin to get to final four


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